Friday, February 27, 2009

Progress report #1

It's been a few days for the challenge and for other things going on in the family so here goes an update.

Braden has done remarkably well--much to my surprise! We have had few accidents and the ones we have had are from me not being deligent to take him on a regular basis. Yesterday was a "test" day as we went to a playgroup activity that was far away from home and I wasn't sure how he would do once he was out of his comfort zone. He was PERFECT!!! But we had an accident later in the evening because I fully forgot to make him go potty after we got home. By the time he had the accident he was totally exhausted from the day and I was in the middle of making dinner with the granddaughter on my hip. We are committed to wearing real underwear all day long and will not go back to pull-ups. HE came down with a bad cold right after starting this update ( a few days ago) and so we are seeing more pee accidents as I have been pushing the fluids and forgetting to push the potty--lol!!

Doing better than I thought!!!! I have really really negelcted myself and so I'm so out of shape that the thought of getting back into shape was almost depressing. Without the help and encouragment of my dear friends I think I fully could have been a failure at this once again. I do one of two things in my own attempt to sabbotage myself--I either give up on day three as I'm hurting by then or I press forward but EAT AWFUL so that all that I did is wasted. So It's been three full days of my committment to better myself and present my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit and I will say I'm fighting the later of doing GREAT and Pressing in but eating awful. The awful is not as bad as times past and I'm very aware that I'm doing it and that is the first step in stopping! I have my friends and God to be accountable to so I'm hyped and ready to make the break through. The worse I have done so far is to go on a "Captian Crunch" eating benge last night--lol!!!! ., Muscles are starting to tone up and most of all I"m looking forward to the workouts!


Well here is why this is a PROCESS and not a flip the switch and it all falls into place. I'm doing better on some areas and failing in others. I have started taking better care of my full body--not just in the exercise but actually nurturing it. Did a great PEDICURE on the old feet and they are starting to look human again. Since it's warming up and I'm a huge sandal wearer I have great motivation to keep it up. Over all skin care was great for a day or two until the boys got sick and I would just fall into bed as always without washing my face and moisturizing so I need to get back on track. House work has gone out the window as the boys have kept me hopping with not feeling good--laundry is piled up, kitchen is a wreck, but the floors have stayed nice and the bathrooms are getting a full scrub to keep the germs out.


I didn't get to attend the first class as both boys were to sick to take to church. John went and brought home the worksheet which is what the class was taught over almost word for word. I have read it and have a few favorite quotes to share
"You can only change your future if you change your present!"

John Maxwell said," A budget is telling your money where to go, not trying to figure out where it went"
I have to say I LOVE THIS QUOTE!!!!!!

When your out-go exceeds your income, your up-keep becomes your downfall!

the goal this week is to fill out the budget sheets--one of the main important thing was to learn to fill out the budget and have a zero balance EVERY MONTH, We have to preplan where every dime is going to with nothing left over as any "extra" would be assigned to debt payments or the emergency fund

Which brings me to the fact that an emergency fund was STRESSED. Starting with the baby fund of $1,000 and working toward the 3-6 month of living expenses in savings
For us starting this class came at the most important time as we just got our tax refund and so the "baby fund" is already established thanks to this refund!!!! THANK GOD!!!

Tonight is Tuesday and we are planing on sitting down and working on the budget sheets TOGETHER!!!

On a side note I talked to John already and had requested we try and get the food amount under control by setting a grocery limit--this has been a touchy spot for many years as we go back and forth about me wanting us to only spend so much each week and that amount being BLOWN because re return to the stores so much or go out to eat. So I ask that we at least try and start by doing a 2 week shopping trip and set the limit to $160

We made a two week menu plan and went to Wal-Mart and Aldis's-- I had to stay home at the last minutes as I was having some health issues all of a sudden and had to take my meds and let them kick in so John,Annie and Braden went( Colton stayed home because he was really not 'feeling berry good' as he says)--they spent the full $160 but forgot a few items( and added a few that weren't on the list--lol!!!) so we will be over once I get the few things left off but over all it was A HUGE SUCCESS. We now know what we are having and there is NO going out to eat!!! Since there was no coupons used or really any sales ads used either I expect to get this under the dollar amount next time. It will be a work in progress but everyone is happy with this weeks results, We are eating very good meals and I can slash the budget by adding more frugal meals that will be less expensive and yield leftovers for lunches and further lowering the limit.

Once the full budget numbers get in I'll post them and hopefully will have figured out how to do my debt tickers!

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