Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Annies praise report!

For those who don't know our youngest daughter Annie was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis back in September. She had been battling symptoms off and on for a full year and finally through a colonoscopy they discovered that the lower third of her colon was ulcerated and inflamed. She went on meds to try and shrink the swelling but soon after had what we now know as a "flare up" and the meds were not working--this went on for weeks and the doctor just kept switching meds telling us it takes time to "find the right one" all the while she deteriated before our eyes. At Thanksgiving she must have had a UTI that really sent her in a tail spin and she lost over 20 pounds--which she wasn't that big to begin with. We rushed her to the hospital the day after her 18th birthday where she stayed for a full week and still only got marginally better. Her doctor released her and we were home for a whopping 24 hours before we brought her back--THIS TIME SHE STAYED FOR 2.5 WEEKS--clear through Christmas!!! she dropped down to 88 pounds befroe they started her on IV nutrition( before that it was just plan saline IV no calories or vitamins or fats)

They also did another colon scope sand discoverd that now her WHOLE colon was infected and we might need to remove it. We were devestated to say the least--how could we have gone from the lower third to the whole thing being infected all while under the care of a doctor!!!!! After some very potent meds with severe side effects she started to get better and we came home in Late December.

Her doctor kept telling us it would take a while to get her in remission and that our goal was to be in remission for several years before she could stop the meds--He proclaims that it is only a matter of time before we will need to remove her colon but we believe JESUS has another plan!! HE BORE HER SICKNESS AND CARRIED HER PAIN AND BY HIS STRIPS IS SHE HEALED!!!

So at Mondays check up the doctor was suprized to hear she isn't having ANY SYMPTOMS AT ALL!!! He was shocked to see her in remission so soon!!!! But we know why she is!! God is still on the thrown giving out miracles everyday!! We have done our part and believed in the blood of Jesus healing her and she has done her part in taking the meds as the doctor ordered and God met us right where we were at with our faith! I fully believe Annie will not need the 5-10 years worth of meds as the doctor thinks to keep her in remission!


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