Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Fun!

Remember the summers of your childhood when you spent all day doing things that you never let your kids do now?-lol!! It seems today that our society has forgotten how to let kids be kids, but if you give them enough time and let them be, the kids will do what comes naturally.

This afternoon we had a play date and while not everyone could stay all day some did so we let them out to play in the sprinklers just like when we were young. NO fancy splash pool, slip and slide, or anything else just water coming out of the yard sprinklers( ok I admit growing up we didn't have a sprinkler system to water the yard--heck we never watered the yard as that just made the grass grow and make us have to mow it more-lol!!) and of course when you let three boys alone in the yard with water to play till they get "caught" this is what you get.........Why is it that boys + water = head to toe mud-lol!! They had a great time and got a good mud treatment so they should all wake up with wonder smooth skin--lol!! Hope your summer is being filled with wonderful childhood memories too!

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