Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There is a brain!!

The ENT's office called to say--YOU REALLY DO HAVE A BRAIN and it looks good--lol!! What a relief! I was hoping they would say that i had an exceptional brain and that my hubby should listen to me more but I'll take a good looking brain--lol!!

I had an MRI done 10 days ago to help rule out things for why I'm still having some dizzy unstableness. The doctor was confident that the scan would be clear but we needed to do it anyway as they had to rule out tumors on the brain. I have been praying that the doctor would get clear results from any and all test run and that we would get to the bottom of this so I can get on with the abundant life God has for me. So far there are no tumors, no ear infection, no fluid behind the ears but also no relief from that disconnected unstable balance I have been feeling now for over 7 weeks.

The good news is I'm getting better and better every day. I have actually driven the car a few times with another person with me which a HUGE improvement and I can make it through the store to buy groceries without having to sit down or leave because it feels like I'm fainting. I still have yet to go shopping alone but I"m working on it ( so watch out honey 'cause once I can manage around those stores on my own I plan on making up for lost time--lol!!) . The new computer with the LED screen has cut down on the eye disturbance and in turn cut the dizziness, this has allowed me to venture out of the house and walk without holding on to someone. The kids and I have made it through the zoo twice and can go do fun play dates once again!!! You never realize all that you take for granted until you no longer are able to do something.

The one thing I have been forever grateful is that GOD AND HIS WORD NEVER CHANGES I am still the healed no matter what outward symptoms try to hang on and disrupt me!

1 comment:

  1. Anita, I didn't realize how long you'd been dealing with this! You poor dear. If I lived close I'd take you shopping, rent one of those motorized carts and we'd burn up the stores ;)
    Love ya,
