Should I start from the beginning or begin from where we are at now? Either way the journey to now was and is filled with the hope of God, His grace and mercy,and most of all the everyday stumbles from me as I try hard to walk by faith. My hope in starting a blog is to show that everyday, ordinary people can be used in profound ways as it only takes a willing heart. Even if you never feel you have impacted the world just you being you can change a life for the better. God has promised us that we would dwell in a land of more than enough but most of the time we are trying so hard to get to "this land" that we go through life never realizing we were there all the time.
If an outsider where to look at my family they might say-you are drowning in a sea of debt with no hope of ever getting to the surface but I would say all you were seeing was the bank account. That is only a small tiny part of us. To many times people define who they are by what they have or what they can get but to me money is only a temporal thing and yes I wish we had more of it but I wouldn't trade what we do have for one dime! John and I never thought we would be where we are after 25 years of marriage but sometimes life takes you to places that give meaning to you that you never thought you had.
25 years ago we thought that once we got here we would have raised most if not all the kids we would ever have, have a house nearly paid for and be ready to ride off in the sunset free from most responsibilities.We thought we would be taking long expensive vacations, indulging in activities that we thought would give us joy and have ooddles of money to spoil the grandkids with. 25 years ago we thought it was things and being free from responsibilities that would be the life we wanted, but here we are right in the middle of starting our family over again with our two young sons we adopted from South Korea, selling one house that was more than half paid off and buying another - having to start the 30 year mortgage over, self employeed with no saftey net and right in the middle of Gods perfect will for our life!! This journey has been a very hard one at times and so easy it didn't feel real at others. We have both gotten older,sometimes we have gotten wiser, but we can truthfully say we have gotten more blessed along the way---no matter what the bank account says!
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